Employment Contracts

Does Employment Law Make You Want to Quit the Game?

The Geek Lawyer in Griffin, Georgia Helps Gamers Facing Employment Law Issues

Employment law is often complex, with cases involving wrongful termination, discrimination, sexual harassment, non-compete agreements, and misappropriation of trade secrets all too common. However, a skilled and knowledgeable employment law attorney can advise Georgia employers about the federal and state laws, as well as municipal rules and regulations that they must comply with, such as:

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 – a federal statute that prohibits discrimination in employment connected to race, national origin, gender, religion, age, and other factors. 
  • Georgia Fair Employment Practices Act – a 1978 counterpart to Title VII that protects those who work in Georgia state agencies that employ at least 15 people.
  • Georgia Equal Pay Equal Work Act – this law requires businesses with 10 or more employees to pay the same wage to both males and females performing the same work under the same circumstances. 
  • Georgia Age Discrimination Act – prohibits Georgia employers from discriminating against workers aged 40 to 70, unless the nature of the work makes age-based distinction needed.
  • Georgia Equal Employment for Persons with Disabilities Code – follows the federal Americans with Disabilities Act to guarantee disabled people the right to full participation in the social and economic life of the state and to lawful employment without discrimination because of a handicap.
  • Georgia Common Day of Rest Actrequires Georgia businesses open on Saturday or Sunday to make reasonable accommodations for the religious, social, and physical needs of employees whose usual day of worship is on one of those days.

If gaming – not employment – is your area of expertise, a law firm experienced in Georgia employment law should be a principal part of your business operation. Our experienced team will help make sure your organization is always compliant with the law.

What Employment Documents Do I Need to Know About?

There are several employment documents that business owners in Georgia need to familiarize themselves with, such as:

  • Employment contractsenforceable agreements – oral, written, express, or implied – between two parties that includes the terms and conditions of employment the parties agree upon and, upon acceptance, controls the employment relationship. Some of the topics typically addressed in an employment contract include income, sick leave, vacation time, benefits, and the conditions upon which an employee may legally be terminated.
  • Liability waivers contract provisions meant to protect a party from legal and financial responsibility for potential injuries. When one party signs a liability waiver, they are accepting known and potential risks and waiving the right to hold the other party liable for injuries or losses. For a liability waiver to be enforceable in Georgia, it cannot violate public policy or jeopardize public safety.
  • Confidentiality agreements also known as a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), a confidentiality agreement contains restrictive covenants that are intended to protect the trade secrets and sensitive information of a business from misuse. An NDA can either be unilateral (one party owns the information and the second party is restricted from releasing before or after their association with the first party) or mutual (both parties own it the data and neither can release the information to a third party).


Looking for a Georgia Employment Attorney Who Speaks Your Language? Call Us

If the prospect of managing employees causes you to feel a bout of ragequit coming on, call the Geek Lawyer. Our attorneys know law and gaming, and we speak your language. For solid legal advice regarding business structure, contact the Geek Lawyer at our Griffin offices at 404-253-5639 or CLICK HERE to send us a message.